Every Client Matters To Us


At The Finley Firm, P.C., we put our many years of broad-based litigation experience to use helping not just our clients but yours. With advanced training in conflict and dispute resolution along with certifications and roster membership on many different approved lists in state and federal courts, our mediators are qualified, experienced, and anxious to help you solve your dispute through mediation.

Mediation allows the parties to have a say in the outcome of their case. The confidential process offers many advantages over litigations, such as cost savings, certainty, risk management, self-determination, privacy and flexibility.

Our mediators are experienced in many different areas, including:

  • Commercial disputes
  • Business breakups
  • Personal injury
  • Complex litigation
  • Appellate mediation

Schedule a mediation with a mediator at The Finley Firm, P.C., today.


Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process wherein an independent, neutral, third party (or panel of them) hears the evidence in a dispute and renders a binding decision. Generally, the rules and procedures for arbitration are less formal than those in court.

Ideally, arbitration should be less expensive and quicker than litigation. The arbitration hearing usually takes place in a setting less formal than a courthouse and is private. Generally, the parties agree to the process, rules and guidelines that will apply to their arbitration. Most arbitration decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

The arbitrators at our firm regularly represent their clients in arbitration proceedings; however, our attorneys are also qualified and regularly serve as arbitrators.

If you need an arbitrator, please reach out to one of the arbitrators at The Finley Firm, P.C., today.