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The Finley Firm Welcomes New Intern Sierra Berry

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2022 | Firm News

The Finley Firm would like to extend a welcome to our new intern, Sierra Berry. Sierra will be with us until she graduates from Auburn University in 2023. Originally from Huntsville, Alabama, she is a senior, majoring in Law and Justice with minors in Spanish and Journalism. Sierra plans to attend law school in fall 2023.

Sierra is also highly involved at Auburn where she has utilized her passion for working with other students hoping to enter the legal field. This includes serving in the Student Government Association all four years, this year as the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. While in SGA, Sierra has worked on various projects such as creating a new course for the Law and Justice curriculum to help students gain a foundation for logic skills associated with the LSAT and beyond. Sierra is also currently the Treasurer of Pi Lambda Sigma, the pre-law honor society, and heads the Initiatives Committee and Professional Development projects for the organization. She also serves as a Peer Advisor within the College of Liberal Arts, where she works with current and prospective Liberal Arts students.

In her free time, Sierra loves watching sports, cooking, and hanging out with her friends.

Welcome, Sierr!
